Federal Direct Loans
获得联邦直接贷款的资格取决于是否完成了联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。. 当学生或学生家长获得联邦学生贷款时, 有关该贷款的信息将提交给国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)。, and it will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, 并确定学校为数据系统的授权用户. Borrowers may also access this information by going to
Visit for additional information on federal loans, including interest rates, origination fees, and repayment options.
Texas Loans
有军事经验的学生可能有资格获得某些福利. 联系退伍军人事务部(VA)记录中心,并在开学前获得资格证书. Bring the certification to the SWAU Department of Records. 注册后,注册通知将发送到VA.
如果你是一名退伍军人,符合退伍军人管理局9/11后GI法案的全部福利, the VA will cover the full cost of your tuition. 你可能还会得到住房津贴和购买课本和课堂资料的钱.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government Website at
Steps for Receiving VA Benefits
Step 1
Complete application via VONAPP at
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
VA负责处理认证和支付资金. Please note: VA processing may take over 30 days.
Education Programs for Veterans
A comprehensive comparison can be found on the GI Bill website.
Code of Conduct
To comply with the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act, 西南复临大学采用以下行为准则,为大学员工提供指导,以确保学生援助过程的完整性,并确保大学员工在学生贷款实践方面的道德行为. Our officers, employees, trustees, and agents, 包括校友会和其他与西南复临大学有关的组织, 同意本行为准则的规定,并将避免:
- Accepting philanthropic contributions from a lender, lender servicer, 或者与出资单位提供的助学贷款有关的担保人.
- 担任或以其他方式作为出借人咨询委员会成员的, lender affiliate, 或者贷款人服务机构,除非有人愿意回避有关私人贷款的决定.
- Accepting from a lender or its affiliate any fee, payment, 或其他经济利益,作为向贷款人或代表贷款人提供教育贷款相关服务的任何类型的咨询安排或其他合同的补偿.
此外,学生财务服务人员将避免: - 接受费用或其他利益,以换取认可贷款人或贷款人的贷款产品.
- 请求或接受贷款人提供的私人教育贷款资金, 作为交换,我们承诺向贷款人提供优先贷款人名单上的位置, or a certain number of volume of private education loans.
- 根据借款人选择的贷款人拒绝或延迟教育贷款的认证.
- 通过学生经济援助奖或其他方式将首次借款人分配给特定的私人教育贷款贷方.
- 将私人教育贷款打包在学生助学金中, except when the student is ineligible for other financial aid, has exhausted his or her federal student aid eligibility, has not filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or refuses to apply for a federal student loan.
- 从出借人、出借人服务人员或担保人那里接受不允许的礼物、货物或服务. The institution may accept default prevention, financial literacy, or student aid-related educational services or materials, or other items of a nominal value.
- 在顾问委员会任职期间接受除合理费用报销以外的任何有价值的东西, commission, or group established by a lender or group of lenders.
西南复临大学致力于提供必要的信息和资源,以帮助每个学生取得教育上的成功. 财政援助人员将考虑每个学生的需求,以实现这一目标.